Last updated December 11, 2011


Table of Contents

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  • Starting Schedule+

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  • Error Messages

    A list of all Schedule+ 'error messages' that are mentioned in the Schedule+ FAQ.
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  • Upgrades and Versions

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  • Address Books

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  • Accounts and Synchronization

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  • Making Schedule+ Work How You Want It To

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  • Printing

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  • Schedule+ and Outlook

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  • Other Resources

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    This FAQ was started (and kept up-to-date for a long time) by F.J. Perricone. As this list of Frequently Asked Questions seemed to have been sleeping for over a year, in january 2001 I took up the task of adding some new items and redesigning the rest. The original FAQ can no longer be found at 'Lawrence and Associates' where it was hosted for a few years, so the only copy that's still around is at my place.
    (I don't want to take credit for things that others achieved.)

    This page is kept up to date with Araneae.
    I'm in the process of making this a Viewable with Any Browser-site. In order to do so, I've tested most of my site with MS Internet Explorer v.5.0SP4, IE 6.0SP1, Opera v.5.1 and v.7.1 and Lynx v.2.8.3-Release for Win32 and the results are quite positive. I may add more browsers as they become available to me, like Arachne (DOS) or IE2/IE3.
    It's already a 'decaf'-site: no Java, no cookies, just the info you want...
    But I'm still converting several 'Rich Text Format'-files to HTML. RTF is a more-or-less open standard for Windows-computers, yet Opera and Lynx can't cope with them and recent versions of Internet Explorer don't show them anymore, but instead force you to download them first. Like most disasters, it seemed like a good idea at the time...