Last updated January 23, 2001

How to Clear All Schedule+ Data [Q133399]

PSS ID Number: Q133399
Article last modified on 09-10-1999

The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Schedule+ for Windows, version 7.0

Schedule+ contains an undocumented key combination that allows users to reset the local and server copies of their schedule files.

To reset the files
  1. Exit Schedule+ if it is currently running.
  2. Press and hold CTRL+SHIFT while you double-click the Schedule+ icon.
  3. You will be prompted with a dialog box warning you that both of the files will be cleared of your schedule data.
  4. Click the Yes button to continue.
  5. If you are prompted for the profile, choose the appropriate profile and click OK.
  6. Release CTRL+SHIFT.

Schedule+ will start with a clean local and server schedule.

During this process, a copy of the schedule file is made in the Windows subdirectory with the name _SCHDxx.BAK where xx is an incremented number. If necessary, you can use this file to replace the local schedule file.

Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1999.

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