Last updated January 16, 2001

Quotes from the 'Outlook97 Administrators Guide'

This page containes (most of) the texts in the 'Outlook97 Administrators Guide' that concern Schedule+ and making both programs work together.

Chapter 3: Migration

This chapter describes two important migration tools, the 'SC2 Importer' and the 'Microsoft Outlook Migration Kit', which administrators can use to migrate Microsoft Schedule+ calendar information to Outlook 97. Learn how to install and use these tools, and understand the types of data that the tools convert.
Note This chapter describes tools for server-side migration; end-user tools are not discussed. For information about end-user migration tools, such as client import/export utilities, see the Outlook Web site at

'SC2 Importer' for Microsoft Outlook 97

The 'SC2 Importer' allows Outlook 97 users to import '.SC2'-data files into the Outlook Calendar. The 'SC2 Importer' serves a special purpose because Schedule+ natively reads '.SC2'-data files, whereas Outlook does not. You can install the 'SC2 Importer' from the Microsoft Exchange 5.5 Client CD.
When you move from another mail system, such as Microsoft Mail, to Exchange Server, the Exchange Migration Kit (available with Exchange Server 5.0 and 5.5) migrates mail and calendar information into '.SC2'-format. After the Exchange Migration Wizard completes the migration process, the SC2 Importer converts the resulting '.SC2'-data file. For more information about the Exchange Migration Wizard, see your Exchange Server documentation.
Note User intervention is required to complete this process. The '.SC2'-data file is sent to the Outlook user in a mail message; the user opens the file to import the data into the user’s Outlook Calendar.

Installing the 'SC2 Importer'

Before installing the 'SC2 Importer', you must have Outlook installed.
To install the 'SC2 Importer' for Microsoft Outlook 97

  1. Verify that Outlook is installed on your computer.
  2. In the \Support folder, double-click Msimpsc2.exe.
  3. When asked if you want to continue, click Yes.
The following files are installed: After the files are installed on the computer, the Exchange Migration Wizard mails an '.SC2'-file to the new Outlook user as an attachment to a new mail message. When the user double-clicks the '.SC2'-file in the mail message, the converter takes the data and imports it into the user’s Outlook Calendar. The imported data converts to either a .pst file or a mailbox on the server, depending on the user’s default store.

Schedule Data
This section describes the '.SC2'-schedule data contained in the attachment mailed to the new Outlook user. This '.SC2'-data is created by the Exchange Migration Wizard when an administrator migrates mail and calendar information from another mail system to Exchange Server.

Primary and Secondary Files
The '.SC2'-data in the mail attachment consists of primary and secondary files. In the primary file, the schedule data appears to be another message in the message section. In the following example, the third message (shown in bold) is the schedule message, which is placed in the user’s Inbox.

,Bill Lee,Howard Snyder,,,"End of Month Report",19950321093421,,-1,,,#SALESPO1.SEC(54)
Phoenix Project,Pat Parkes,Howard Snyder,,,Back Office Review,,,,,,#SALESPO1.SEC(161)
,Howard Snyder,Howard Snyder,,,Schedule+,19951005022543,,1,TRUE,,#SALESPO1.SEC(356)

In the secondary file, the body of the message should be set to a length of 0. The Exchange Migration Kit automatically adds instructions for importing the schedule file in English, German, French, or Japanese, depending on the language of your Microsoft Exchange Server.


Schedule File Format
The first line in the schedule file must be a header line as follows:


Each line thereafter contains schedule properties and values. The following table describes the differences between the schedule file format and the standard migration file format.

Property Description
Object The file starts with a line that describes the type of data (for example, “Projects”), followed by a colon. The next line has an open brace ({). Thereafter, each line contains a property, followed by a colon and the value. The last line of the table has a close brace (}). This format is comparable to a header line and a row of data in the migration file format.
Object containing an object An object can contain another object. Within open and close braces of an object, another set of braces can designate another object. For example, recurring appointments can contain exception objects to describe modified or deleted single appointments in the recurring appointment schedule.
Separator Schedule file format uses a colon instead of a comma to separate schedule property names from values. A space must follow the colon.
Space A space after a colon and before a value is ignored. You can use spaces to make the file more readable.
Line continuation character Schedule file format uses a backslash (\), followed by a carriage return and a line feed, to indicate that the line continues. Lines cannot exceed 80 characters. You can use two line continuation characters to make a line break in appointment or task descriptions.
Quotation mark Schedule file format encloses all strings and binary data in quotation marks. Quotation marks inside these values are represented by a backslash followed by a quotation mark (\”).
Date/Time Date = mm-dd-yyyy. Time = hh:mm, 24-hour format. You can join date and time with a space: mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm. For example, 9:00 A.M. on New Year’s Day would be 01-01-1998 09:00. All times and dates are imported in the time zone of the user.

Tip To see examples of the schedule file format, create examples in Schedule+ and then export the calendar.

The following table identifies Schedule+ objects that can be created in the schedule file format.

Property Description
Projects Table of all projects
Contacts Table of contacts
SingleAppointments Appointments that occur only once
SingleEvents Events that occur only once
SingleTasks Tasks that occur only once
RecurringAppointments Appointments that occur more than once
RecurringEvents Events that occur more than once
RecurringTasks Tasks that occur more than once

Each type of property can occur multiple times within the file. If objects of the same type are kept together, import performance is improved.
The following sample file contains each type of Schedule+ object.



Schedule+ Projects

The following examples illustrate the Projects format:


Priority: 16945
Text: "Colossus Project"
Priority: 16689
Text: "Region 6 Spring Sales Drive"

The following table describes the properties of Projects.

Property Description
Priority Urgency of project
Text Description of project

For more information about priorities, see “Priority Property” later in this chapter.

Schedule+ Contacts

Schedule+ 'Contacts' are separate from Microsoft Exchange Client '.PAB'-file entries. There is no link between them. Depending on the configuration of your source system, 'Contacts' can be imported into Schedule+ if entries are created in the schedule migration file. You can also create 'Contacts' from '.PAB'-file entries in the source system. Users can delete 'Contacts' created this way, but they cannot add information from '.PAB'-file entries to the 'Contacts'-list. The following example illustrates the 'Contacts'-format:


LastName: "Lee"
Department: "MIS"
AddressBusiness: "12 Main St"
CountryBusiness: "USA"
PhoneBusiness: "415 555-9839"
CityBusiness: "San Francisco"
Office: "16/2102"
Company: "Ferguson & Bardell"
Assistant: "Sarah"
ZipCodeBusiness: "94105"
CurrentPhone1: 4
FirstName: "William"
StateBusiness: "CA"
JobTitle: "Team Manager"

The following table describes the properties of Contacts.

Property Description
AddressBusiness Business address
AddressHome Home address
Assistant Assistant of the contact
CityBusiness City for the business address
CityHome City for the home address
Company Company
CountryBusiness Country for the business address
CountryHome Country for the home address
Department Department
FirstName First name
JobTitle Job title
LastName Last name
Notes Miscellaneous information
Office Office location
PhoneAssistant Phone number of the contact’s assistant
PhoneBusiness Business phone number
PhoneBusiness2 Second business phone number
PhoneFax Fax phone number
PhoneHome Home phone number
PhoneHome2 Second home phone number
PhoneMobile Mobile phone number
PhonePager Pager phone number
Spouse Name of the contact’s spouse
StateBusiness State or province of business address
StateHome State or province of home address
User1 User-defined string for contact information that does not fit any other field
User2 User-defined string for contact information that does not fit any other field
User3 User-defined string for contact information that does not fit any other field
User4 User-defined string for contact information that does not fit any other field
ZipCodeBusiness Business address postal code
ZipCodeHome Home address postal code

Schedule+ SingleAppointments

If attendees are invited to a migrated appointment, put their names into the Notes or Text property of the appointment. To make it easier for the user to send mail to the attendees or to add the attendees to the attendees list, use a semicolon to separate the names. Then, the user can copy the list of names into the To line of a message or to the attendees list, and resolve them against the address book.
Schedule+ appointments can list outside attendees. Their unique MAPI ID is stored with the appointment and is used to verify responses to meeting requests. Without an attendee’s MAPI ID, the display name cannot be added to the attendees list.

The following example illustrates the SingleAppointments format:


Ring: T
AlarmAmount: 15
Text: "Attend training class."
AlarmTypeUnit: 0
AlarmAmountOriginal: 15
BusyType: 0
Start: 3-5-1996 15:00
End: 3-5-1996 17:00
Where: "Rona's office"
Text: "Meet with Rona about shifting contacts to new employees.\
Rona Rumalski"
Ring: T
AlarmAmount: 15
Start: 3-5-1996 09:00
BusyType: 1
End: 3-5-1996 10:30
AlarmTypeUnit: 0

The following table describes the properties of SingleAppointments.

Property Values Description
AlarmAmount Integer Length of time before a meeting date to an issue a reminder
AlarmTypeUnit 0 = Minute
1 = Hour
2 = Day
3 = Week
4 = Month
Unit of measurement for AlarmAmount
BeforeEnd T or F
Default = F
Reminder is set relative to the end rather than to the start of SingleAppointment
BusyType 0 = Tentative
1 = Busy
If SingleAppointment should appear busy or tentative
End (Required) mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm End date and time for SingleAppointment
IsRecurringInstance T or F
Default = F
If SingleAppointment is an instance of a recurring series
Notes   Miscellaneous information; text appears in the Notes property page for an appointment
Ring T or F
Default = T
If reminder was set for SingleAppointment
Start (Required) mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm Start date and time for SingleAppointment
Text   Description for SingleAppointment; text appears on Calendar
Where   Location for an appointment

Schedule+ SingleEvents

Events are different from appointments in the following ways:

The following example illustrates the SingleEvents format:


Ring: T
AlarmAmount: 2
Text: "River City 10 mile hike and camp. (Weather permitting.)\
Call Josh at 555-1232 to make sure it is happening."
AlarmTypeUnit: 2
AlarmAmount: 2
StartDate: 3-2-1996
EndDate: 3-3-1996

The following table describes the properties of SingleEvents.

Property Values Description
AlarmAmount Integer Length of time before midnight to issue a reminder
AlarmTypeUnit 0 = Minute
1 = Hour
2 = Day
3 = Week
4 = Month
Unit of measurement for AlarmAmount
BusyType 0 = Tentative
1 = Busy
If an event should appear busy or tentative
EndDate (Required) mm-dd-yyyy End date for an event
IsRecurringInstance T or F
Default = F
Indicates if an event is an instance of a recurring series
Notes   Miscellaneous information
Ring T or F
Default = T
If a reminder was set to sound for an event
StartDate (Required) mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm Start date for an event
Text String Text (description) for an event

Schedule+ SingleTasks

Schedule+ relates tasks to projects by using the ProjectID number. Without a ProjectID number, tasks are imported without a relationship to a project.
The following example illustrates the SingleTasks format:


Priority: 16672
Text: "Update summer catalog."
AmountActualEffort: 0
AmountEstimatedEffort: 1
IsTaskAutoDone: T
StartDate: 3-6-1996
AmountStartWork: 4
TypeUnitStartWork: 2
EndDate: 3-10-1996
TypeUnitEstimatedEffort: 2
TypeUnitActualEffort: 2

The following table describes the properties of SingleTasks.

Property Values Description
AmountActualEffort Number Amount of time the task actually took, in units set by TypeUnitActualEffort
TypeUnitActualEffort 0 = Minute
1 = Hour
2 = Day
3 = Week
4 = Month
Unit of measurement for the actual task
AmountEstimatedEffort Number Amount of time the task is estimated to take, in units set by TypeUnitEstimatedEffort
TypeUnitEstimatedEffort 0 = Minute
1 = Hour
2 = Day
3 = Week
4 = Month
Unit of measurement for the estimated completion of the task
AmountStartWork Number Amount of time before the end date to start work on an item, in units set by TypeUnitStartWork
TypeUnitStartWork 0 = Minute
1 = Hour
2 = Day
3 = Week
4 = Month
Unit of measurement for an amount of time before the end date to start work
Billing String Billing information
CompletedDate mm-dd-yyyy Date task was completed
StartDate mm-dd-yyyy Date task starts
EndDate mm-dd-yyyy Date task ends
IsTaskAutoDone T or F If task should appear as automatically completed on the end date
Mileage String Mileage associated with a task
PercentCompleted Number Percentage of task completed
Priority See Priority Property in this chapter.. Priority of a task

Priority Property

Schedule+ prioritizes tasks by using numbers (1 through 9) and/or letters (A through Z). For example, “A1,” “3,” and “B” are valid priorities. The migration file format converts this priority to a decimal. The following table illustrates how priorities are converted to decimal versions. The ASCII value of the letter or number is converted to a hexadecimal, the number 20 is prefixed or appended as a space and place holder, and this number is converted to a decimal.

Priority Convert to hexadecimal Prefix or append 20 Convert to decimal
1 31 2031 8241
2 32 2032 8242
3 33 2033 8243
4 34 2034 8244
5 35 2035 8245
6 36 2036 8246
7 37 2037 8247
8 38 2038 8248
9 39 2039 8249
A 41 4120 16672
B 42 4220 16928
C 43 4320 17184
D 44 4420 17440
E 45 4520 17696
F 46 4620 17952
G 47 4720 18208
H 48 4820 18464
I 49 4920 18720
J 4A 4A20 18976
K 4B 4B20 19232
L 4C 4C20 19488
M 4D 4D20 19744
N 4E 4E20 20000
O 4F 4F20 20256
P 50 5020 20512
Q 51 5120 20768
R 52 5220 21024
S 53 5320 21280
T 54 5420 21536
U 55 5520 21792
V 56 5620 22048
W 57 5720 22304
X 58 5820 22560
Y 59 5920 22816
Z 5A 5A20 23072

For example, for a number priority of 3, use the hexadecimal 33 and prefix 20. The value 2033 converts to decimal 8243. For example, for a letter priority of C, take the hexadecimal 43 and append 20. The value 4320 converts to 17184.
If your existing system prioritizes by requiring both letters and numbers (for example: A1, B3, or Z9), convert both to hexadecimal, concatenate (link together) the values of the letter and number, and then convert that value to decimal. For example, for a priority of A3, use the hexadecimal of A (41), and concatenate it with the hexadecimal of 3 (33). The value 4133 converts to 16691.

Schedule+ RecurringAppointments, RecurringEvents, and RecurringTasks

The following examples illustrate the format for RecurringAppointments, RecurringEvents, and RecurringTasks:


Text: "Yearly tax audit. Start preparations early."
Ring: T
AlarmAmount: 21
AlarmTypeUnit: 2
StartDate: 3-4-1996
EndDate: 3-4-1996
RecurringType: 7
YearInterval: 1
DayOfMonthMask: 8
MonthOfYearMask: 4
Text: "SATR meeting.\
Big Sale."
Ring: T
AlarmAmount: 15
DayOfWeekStart: 0
StartRecurringTime: 12:00
YearInterval: 1
WeekInterval: 1
BusyType: 0
RecurringType: 51
StartRecurringDate: 2-26-1996
DayOfWeekMask: 32
EndRecurringDate: 3-4-2000
DayOfMonthMask: 8
EndRecurringTime: 13:00
MonthOfYearMask: 4
AlarmTypeUnit: 0
Text: "Check online mailbox for new mail."
Priority: 8243
TypeUnitActualEffort: 2
AmountEstimatedEffort: 1
TypeUnitEstimatedEffort: 2
Billing: "Billed at higher rate"
BeforeEndOriginal: F
AmountStartWork: 0
StartRecurringDate: 3-2-1996
RecurringType: 64
WeekInterval: 1
DayOfWeekMask: 16
DayOfWeekStart: 0
DayInterval: 1
EndRecurringDate: 8-10-1996
TypeUnitStartWork: 2
Ring: T
AlarmAmount: 0
AlarmTypeUnit: 2
BeforeEnd: F
InstanceDate: 3-3-1996
StartDate: 3-3-1996
EndDate: 3-4-1996
Deleted: F
Text: "Check online mailbox for new mail. Check for new rates."
Priority: 8241
TypeUnitActualEffort: 2
AmountEstimatedEffort: 1
TypeUnitEstimatedEffort: 2
BeforeEndOriginal: F
AmountStartWork: 0
TypeUnitStartWork: 2
Ring: T
AlarmAmount: 5
AlarmTypeUnit: 2
BeforeEnd: F

The following table describes the properties shared by RecurringAppointments, RecurringEvents, and RecurringTasks.

Property Values Description
DayInterval 1 through 999 Number of days between instances; used only if RecurringType is 64
DayOfMonthMask 1st day of month = bit 0
31st day of month = bit 30
Bit field indicating which days of the month are valid for a recurrence pattern; used only if RecurringType is 7 or 12
DayOfWeekMask Sunday = bit 0
Saturday = bit 6
Bit field indicating which days of the week are valid for a recurrence pattern; used only if RecurringType is 48, 51, or 56
DayOfWeekStart 0 through 6
Sunday = 0
Start of week preference for recalculating biweekly meetings; used only if RecurringType is 48
EndRecurringDate mm-dd-yyyy End date for a recurrence pattern
EndRecurringTime (required) hh:mm End time for a recurring item
Exceptions See Exceptions Property in this chapter. Exceptions to a recurring item
FirstRecurringAlarmDate Today’s date in mm-dd-yyyy format. First recurring item with an alarm; recalculated during import into Schedule+
MonthInterval 1 through 99 Interval between months for a recurrence pattern; used only if RecurringType is 12 or 56
MonthOfYearMask January = bit 0
December = bit 11
Bit field indicating the months of the year that are valid for a recurrence pattern; used only if RecurringType is 7 or 51
RecurringType (Required) 7 = Yearly on specific day
12 = Monthly on specific day
48 = Weekly
51 = Yearly on a pattern
56 = Monthly on a pattern
64 = Daily
Type of recurrence pattern
StartRecurringDate (Required) mm-dd-yyyy Start date for a recurrence pattern
StartRecurringTime (Required) hh:mm Start time for a recurring item
WeekInterval Positive integer Interval between weeks for a recurrence pattern; used only if RecurringType is 48, 51, or 56
YearInterval Positive integer Interval between years for a recurrence pattern; used only if RecurringType is 7

The following table describes additional values required for the RecurringType property.

RecurringType Required values
7 = Yearly on specific day DayOfMonthMask, MonthOfYearMask, YearInterval
12 = Monthly on specific day DayOfMonthMask, MonthInterval
48 = Weekly DayOfWeekMask, DayOfWeekStart, WeekInterval
51 = Yearly on a pattern DayOfWeekMask, MonthOfYearMask, WeekInterval
56 = Monthly on a pattern DayOfWeekMask, MonthInterval, WeekInterval
64 = Daily DayInterval

Exceptions Property

Exceptions are deleted or modified properties of a recurring appointment or task. To delete, only two properties are required: Deleted and InstanceDate. To modify, the appointment or task must be redefined as a single appointment or task, and you must redefine the StartDate and EndDate, even if only the Location property is modified.

Property Values Description
Deleted T or F If an instance was marked “deleted”; if FALSE, the instance has been modified
InstanceDate mm-dd-yyyy Date that the original instance would have occurred

Known Issues

This list identifies potential 'SC2 Importer' issues:

Microsoft Outlook Migration Kit

The Microsoft Outlook Migration Kit helps an Exchange Server administrator migrate Exchange Server-based Microsoft Schedule+ accounts (2.0 16-bit, 7.0, and 7.5 versions) to Outlook accounts in bulk. In advance, the administrator selects a list of accounts to migrate. Then, the administrator starts the migration process and lets the tool iterate through the list unattended until all of the users are migrated.
The migration of each Schedule+ user essentially automates Outlook’s Import utility to import the contents of each account’s Schedule+ file (.cal or .scd extension) to the account’s Microsoft Exchange server mailbox. All contents of the .cal or .scd file that can be handled by Outlook’s Import utility will be imported—Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts.
To migrate Microsoft Mail 3.x-based Schedule+ accounts to Outlook on Exchange, the administrator must first migrate the Microsoft Mail 3.x accounts to Exchange Server using the Exchange Migration Wizard provided with Exchange Server.
The Outlook Migration Kit was designed to help with specific bulk migration scenarios, not as a general migration tool for all customers. A significant level of product knowledge and administration are required to utilize the tool. No technical support is available through Microsoft for the kit.
Due to the special nature of this utility, Microsoft recommends that it be used only by customers who are able to test and use the tool on their own and are comfortable with its no support policy. The kit may be obtained by calling Microsoft Product Support at (425) 635-7031 in the United States or (905) 568-2294 in Canada.

Warning Any use of the Outlook Migration Kit is at your own risk. Microsoft provides this tool without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. Microsoft offers no technical support for this tool.

Supported Configurations/Platforms

The following are requirements for the Outlook Migration Kit to work properly:

Installing the Outlook Migration Kit

The Outlook Migration Kit is installed in the '\Program Files\Outlook Migration Kit for Schedule+'-directory. Under Windows NT 4.0, a shortcut to the kit is automatically placed on the Programs-menu. To install the kit, click the Add/Remove Programs-icon in Control Panel.
To uninstall the kit, delete all files from '\Program Files\Outlook Migration Kit for Schedule+'.

The Migration Process

It is highly recommended that the administrator first test the migration process on a small number of accounts to gauge how fast the process will occur. The rate of migration can vary drastically depending on the speed of the computer performing the migration, the speed of the Exchange Server, and the speed of the network.

To run the Outlook Migration Kit

  1. After logging on to Windows as a service-level administrator (for the Exchange Server), double-click Migkit.exe to start the Outlook Migration Kit application.
  2. Log on to the Outlook Migration Kit using an administrator account.
  3. To add the account names that you want to migrate, click Edit List, or to load an existing list, click Open List.
    These files are saved in a text file with an '.MIG' file extension.
  4. Change the migration options, as necessary.
  5. To begin the migration process, click Start.
    Warning Do not interrupt the migration process after it has begun. If you interrupt the process, unpredictable results may occur.
  6. The Outlook Migration Kit iterates through the list of accounts until it is done. The Successful box displays a list of successful migrations, and the Failures box displays a list of failed migrations.
  7. When the application encounters a failure, a dialog box appears. You have the option to retry or skip over the failed account (one of the migration options is always to skip over failures).
  8. To try again to migrate the accounts listed in the Failures box, click Retry Failures, or to save them to disk for a later attempt, click Save List.
    A log file is created in C:\Migkit.Log.

Known Issues

This list identifies potential Outlook Migration Kit issues:

Chapter 4: Interoperability

Interoperability with Microsoft Schedule+

Outlook and Schedule+ (16-bit versions 1.0 and 2.0 [never heard of version 2 before -- Remark CB] and 32-bit versions 7.0 and 7.0a) offer a high level of interoperability for basic calendar and group scheduling capabilities. In a mixed environment consisting of Outlook and Schedule+ users, all users can exchange meeting request messages and share calendar free/busy status with each other. However, many Outlook capabilities go beyond those of Schedule+. Outlook users should be aware that their coworkers who are using Schedule+ might not be able to view or use some of the messaging or calendar information the same way as another Outlook user would.

Basic Group Scheduling Capabilities

For most organizations, two scheduling functionality areas are considered essential: ·Exchanging meeting requests ·Viewing free/busy status Outlook and Schedule+ interoperate completely in both of these key areas.
Note The Outlook driver for Schedule+ allows Schedule+ users to view Outlook free/busy data; without this driver, users are unable to do so. To install this driver, see “Outlook Driver for Microsoft Schedule+ ” in this chapter.
As you read this section, you should be familiar with the distinction between free/busy status and free/busy details:

Exchanging Meeting Request Messages

Outlook and Schedule+ users can freely exchange meeting messages across Windows and Macintosh platforms. Although Outlook users and Schedule+ 1.0 users can freely exchange meeting requests and responses, Schedule+ 1.0 does not recognize the advanced features of Outlook (such as attachments, the meeting location field, and recurring meetings). As a result, when a Schedule+ 1.0 user receives a meeting message from an Outlook user, Schedule+ 1.0 ignores any Outlook-specific message features it does not recognize. For example, if an Outlook user sends a recurring meeting request to a Schedule+ 1.0 user, the Schedule+ 1.0 user receives only the first meeting request.

Viewing Free/Busy Status

When users “publish” their free/busy status, other users can view the free/busy time blocks (but not necessarily their free/busy details) from within the Meeting Planner. With appropriate permission, Outlook and Schedule+ users can view each other’s free/busy status (time blocks).
In addition to designating free/busy status, Outlook users can designate “tentative” and “out of office” time blocks for specific appointments. When Outlook users view each other’s calendars, they can identify the time blocks that are free, busy, tentative, or out of office. When Schedule+ users view an Outlook user’s calendar in their Planners, time blocks designated by the Outlook user as tentative appear as free times to the Schedule+ users. However, time blocks designated by the Outlook user as out of office appear as busy times to Schedule+ users.
Outlook differs slightly from Schedule+ in how it handles unpublished free/busy status. When Schedule+ users choose not to publish their free/busy status, other Schedule+ users—if they have at least Read Only permission—can still view the users’ free/busy status in their Meeting Planners. However, when Outlook users choose not to publish their free/busy status, other Outlook users—even those who have at least Read Only permission—cannot view the users’ free/busy status in their Meeting Planners. To view the users’ unpublished free/busy status, Outlook users must view (open) the user’s calendar, providing that they have appropriate permission.
By default, Outlook publishes three months of free/busy status for all users. Users can change the number of months or choose not to publish their free/busy status at all (by specifying 0 months). To set the number of months of free/busy status that is published, you would click the Tools menu, click Options, click Calendar, and then click Advanced. In the Publish X Months Of Free/busy Status box, enter 0 (zero).

Other Group Scheduling and Calendar Features

The following sections describe differences that exist in how Outlook and Schedule+ interoperate.

Opening Other Users’ Calendars

Unless the Outlook driver for Schedule+ is installed, Schedule+ 95 users cannot open an Outlook user’s calendar. As a result, Schedule+ 95 users cannot view free/busy details of an Outlook user’s calendar. To install this driver, see “Outlook Driver for Microsoft Schedule+” in this chapter. Outlook users, on the other hand, can open Schedule+ 95 users’ calendars with appropriate permission, and can therefore view a Schedule+ 95 user’s free/busy details.

Viewing Another User’s Free/Busy Details

Outlook users on Exchange Server can view the free or busy details of Schedule+ users who are also on Exchange Server, but they cannot view the details of those on Microsoft Mail Server. Schedule+ 95 users can view the free or busy details of Outlook users when all users are on Exchange Server and the necessary Windows 16-bit or 32-bit driver is installed; for more information, see “Outlook Driver for Microsoft Schedule+” in this chapter. Schedule+ 1.0 users cannot view Outlook users’ free/busy details.
Outlook users who have at least Read Only permission to another user’s calendar can see when that user is free or busy. Also, they can view the description (details) of that user’s scheduled appointments and activities in the Meeting Planner.

Delegate Access

Just as they can give others permission to read or modify their folders, users can designate other users to be their “delegates.” As a delegate, a user can manage the owner’s e-mail and schedule, as well as create, send, and reply to messages (including meeting and task requests) on the owner’s behalf. For example, managers could give their assistants or teams access to their schedules so the assistants or team members can create messages, appointments, tasks, or other items for them.
A delegate relationship requires that both users run the same scheduling client. For example, Outlook users can be delegates only for other Outlook users. Outlook users who want to participate in delegate relationships with other Outlook users must keep all their primary folders (such as Calendar and Inbox) on the server instead of on their local computers.
Schedule+ 95 users can designate other users to be their “delegate owners.” As a delegate owner, a user has all the capabilities of a delegate, and can also designate additional delegates for the owner’s schedule. Like Schedule+ 95 users, Outlook folder owners can enable their delegates to give other users the necessary permission for gaining access to the owner’s folders. However, Outlook does not allow a delegate to designate additional delegates for the owner’s folders. To designate a delegate in Outlook, you must be logged on as the folder (account) owner.

Note When Outlook is a client for a Microsoft Mail server, Outlook users cannot give other Outlook users access to their folders.

Direct Booking

If they have appropriate permission, Outlook users can take advantage of the Schedule+ direct booking feature to book appointments directly into a Schedule+ Calendar. However, Schedule+ users cannot book appointments directly into Outlook Calendars. In addition, Outlook users cannot book appointments directly into other Outlook Calendars.
Outlook helps users get into the habit of organizing meetings by sending meeting requests instead of booking appointments directly into other users’ calendars, as was necessary on some mainframe systems. However, with appropriate permission (such as Delegate), an Outlook user can open another Outlook user’s or resource’s calendar and modify it, if necessary.
With direct booking, no meeting request is actually sent to the Schedule+ resource. The meeting organizer’s client software simply adds the meeting directly into the Schedule+ resource’s calendar. Because a directly booked Schedule+ resource is unlikely to receive meeting requests, you are not required to assign a delegate to the resource or have a continuously running computer logged into the resource’s account to process incoming meeting requests. However, without a delegate or continuously running computer for the Schedule+ resource, if a user does send an explicit meeting request to the resource instead of booking an appointment directly, the meeting request goes unnoticed until a user actually logs on to the resource’s account.
Unlike Schedule+ accounts, Outlook accounts cannot be booked directly. Therefore, to process the meeting requests that are sent to Outlook resource accounts, it is recommended that each Outlook resource account be set up with a delegate that receives its meeting requests. The delegate account should be logged on to a continuously running computer. Because a single delegate can be responsible for multiple resource accounts, a single, dedicated “delegate computer” can handle a large number of conference rooms and other resources. Note When Outlook is a client for a Microsoft Mail server, Outlook users cannot take advantage of the Outlook delegate access capabilities. For this reason, resource accounts on a Microsoft Mail server should be Schedule+ 95 accounts, so both Outlook users and Schedule+ users can book appointments into them directly.

Calendar Synchronization

Although different versions of Schedule+ synchronize calendars the same way, Outlook’s calendar synchronization method is different. Schedule+ maintains two copies of a user’s calendar—a local copy and a server copy. By default, Schedule+ runs primarily from a local calendar and automatically synchronizes the local and server calendars each time the user connects to the server.
With Outlook, users work directly on the server-based calendar by default, so there is less need for automatic background replication. In addition, a single calendar file, residing on the server, provides additional security and manageability. Disconnected users also benefit from the tight integration of Outlook with Microsoft Exchange Client: a single command and a single phone call synchronize all folders—calendar, e-mail, public folders, contacts, and tasks.
Although working directly on the server-based calendar is the default for Outlook, users can choose to have both a server copy and a local copy of their Outlook folder. For example, users who travel frequently or who need to gain access to their Outlook information from an offline store might want to take advantage of this ability. In such cases, users can configure Outlook to synchronize the folders automatically when they log on and/or log off.

Chapter 5 - Workgroup Features in MS Outlook 97

Microsoft® Outlook™ 97 contains many features that support collaboration within a workgroup. This chapter provides administrators with the information necessary to enable, support, and troubleshoot Outlook workgroup features.

Note Some of the workgroup features described in this chapter also require Microsoft Exchange Server. For more information, see your Microsoft Exchange Server documentation. Group Scheduling

To implement group scheduling, a workgroup administrator must do the following:

You can also edit the messaging profile (Outlook.prf) to create custom profiles for your users. For more information about setting up e­mail accounts, see your Microsoft Exchange Server documentation.

Viewing Free/Busy Information in a Workgroup

The most common group scheduling activity is browsing free and busy information to find an available time for a group of users to meet. Free/busy status refers to the format displaying the user’s time as free, busy, out­of­office, or tentative. This information is published in a common file format on the server. Free/busy details include appointment specifics, such as subject or meeting location. To see free/busy details, a user must be granted permission to open another user’s Calendar. For more information about free/busy status and free/busy details, see “Basic Group Scheduling Capabilities” in Chapter 4, “Interoperability.”
To publish free/busy status in Outlook, a user would click the Tools menu, click Options, click the Calendar tab, and then click Advanced Scheduling. To view other users’ unpublished free/busy status, Outlook users must open another user’s Calendar (with appropriate permission).
Note Unless noted otherwise, all references to Schedule+ refer to both Schedule+ 95 and Schedule+ 1.0.
For workgroups using a combination of Outlook and Schedule+, Outlook differs slightly from Schedule+ in how it handles unpublished free/busy status. When a Schedule+ user chooses not to publish free/busy status, other Schedule+ users who have at least read permission for that user’s schedule can still view the free/busy status in their Meeting Planners. However, when an Outlook user chooses not to publish free/busy status, other Outlook users—even those who have read­only permission—cannot view the user’s free/busy status in their Meeting Planners.
Schedule+ users cannot see Outlook users’ unpublished free/busy status, even if the Outlook Calendar is shared. However, Microsoft provides a utility driver that enables Schedule+ 7.0 clients (both 16-bit and 32-bit) to view the free/busy status for an Outlook user. For 16-bit clients, the driver is msoutl.exe, located in the \Support folder of the Office CD; for 32-bit clients, the driver is setup.exe, located in the \Support\win16 folder.

Chapter 6: Optimizing Outlook 97

[There are some 'Command-line switches' for Outlook97, that you can use when you start the program. One of them is usefull in a context with Schedule+ -- Remark CB:]

'/CleanSchedPlus': Deletes all Schedule+ data (free/busy, permissions, and .cal file) from the server and allows the free/busy information from the Outlook Calendar to be used and viewed by all Schedule+ 1.0 users.
Microsoft provides these command-line switches without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
To use command-line switches
1. In Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0, right-click the Outlook icon, click Properties, and then click the Shortcut tab.
In Windows NT Workstation 3.51, click the Outlook icon, and then on the File menu, click Properties.
2. In the Target box or the Command Line box, type the path to the Outlook application file, type a space after the path, and then type one or more of the command-line options listed in the table.
Note If any path listed in the Target box or Command Line box contains spaces, such as C:\Program Files, you must enclose the path in quotation marks and use the correct case for each character in the path. The command-line switch must be typed outside the closing quotation mark.