XCLN: Creating an .SCD After Schedule+ Configured for no .SCD [Q153937]
PSS ID Number: Q153937
Article last modified on 10-25-2000
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Schedule+, version 7.0
When you start Microsoft Schedule+ for the first time, you may choose not to create a local schedule file ('.SCD'-file). This article describes how to subsequently create a local off-line schedule file.
When you start Schedule+ for the first time, you'll see a 'Welcome'-screen that gives you the following options for configuring an off-line Schedule file:
- I want to create a new schedule file
- I want to use an existing schedule file
- I do not want a schedule file on this machine
If you choose not to use a schedule file, you will not be presented with this dialog box again, unless you re-install Schedule+.
To create a new off-line '.SCD'-file or use an existing '.SCD'-file, follow these
- Open the Schedule+ client.
- On the [Tools]-menu, click [Options].
- In the 'Options'-dialog box, click the [Synchronize]-tab.
- Click to select the "Work primarily from local file"-check box.
This will cause Schedule+ to use a local '.SCD'-file. You will have the opportunity to create a new '.SCD'-file or choose an existing '.SCD'-file to use for a local schedule file.
Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2000.
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