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Internet and DOS (MS-DOS / DR-DOS)
Many people tend to think one can't get on the Internet using something as old as a DOS-computer. I have a different opinion, hence the list below.
Some interesting links:
www.Fdisk.com: Lots of (Internet-related) links for DOS-users.
www.Simtel.net DOS-page: Lots of (Internet-related) files for computers that run DOS.
www.Caldera.com: Home of Caldera (well, it used to be), the makers of DR-DOS 7.0x. Some time ago they were
aquired by SCO, which ended their DOS support.
The most recent version of DR-DOS (v.7.03 of Mid 2006, when I looked last) first could be obtained from www.lineo.com, now
it's www.drdos.com. Although development seems to
have stopped since 2000 and it's not for free anymore, it's still a nice product. Some of the features are:
- Task-swapper (286)/multitasking (386+) !!! (Ctrl-Esc to get list of running progams)
- Client and server for Personal Netware (with util to upgrade from Netware Lite)
- Security-options
- Online help (dosbook.exe)
- Complete Stacker (with utils like Preview and unstack, Windows-utils, etc.)
- Year2000 compatibility for PC's that have Y2K-incompatible BIOSes
- Memory management with XMS/EMS/DPMI/DPMS
- Util for printing PostScript-files
- 'Loader.exe' for dual-boot configuration with Win9x
- Support for Win95 long filenames (not even MS-DOS 7, wich is part of Win95 has this feature)
- Number of 'power utils', such as:
- xdir: display files based on attributes, compression ratio, etc. Show long filenames (Win95 type).
- xdel: delete contents of subdir's, empty subdir's, overwrite files before deletion, etc.
- xcopy
- change label and serial-number of diskette with label and serno
- change date/time-stamp of file(s) using touch
- Shoot-out game for stand-alone and network: Netwars (plus editor to create your own 'starfighters')
- etc.
However, even more interesting developments can be found at www.drdos.ORG
It's free and it can even run Win32 (i.e. Windows) applications!!!
WWW-browsers for DOS:
- Arachne - named after an ancient Greek mythological figure, famous for her weaving.
- SPIN: Saturnus Personal Internet Navigator;
'spin' is also Dutch for 'spider'.
- Minuet: Minnesota INternet User's Essential Tool.
SPIN needs a 386 with co-processor to run properly, Minuet and Arachne are supposed to run on smaller PC's. I haven't
tested them myself, yet. But, given the time, I will do so on a 12 MHz 286 / 1MB RAM / 20 MB HD.
(Remark: Looking at my schedule and the other plans I have, I have some serious doubts about this...)
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